Class 10th | NCERT Solutions, Notes, Study Material, Sample Papers & QnA

Here students can find best NCERT solutions for various subjects of their Xthstandard for instance Hindi, English, Maths, Science and Social Science.


Here students can find best NCERT solutions for various subjects of their Xthstandard for instance Hindi, English, Maths, Science and Social Science. We provide you with the best study material that students typically look over the internet and what they typically need.

Sample Papers are necessary elements for students to build up their examination skills and for practicing before they really face their examinations. They truly enhance the grades you get because they give you much experience for your examination.

Best and easiest chapter notes so that you have all your concepts and doubts cleared in each subject and each chapter and you give your best in tests and examinations.

Extra questions that help you to go into the depths of everything that you have learned and different types of questions will help you to build your confidence about each concept.

MCQs in various subjects that are really necessary in order to stand for your examinations and are in fact an easier way to understand short answer type or one-word answer type questions.

NCERT solutions that help you in case you are not able to find the correct answers for the questions asked in your textbooks and need to clear your doubts over these questions.

Quizzes and Tests that not only develop your knowledge but are also fun enough that you would want to try all of them and thus by playing small quizzes you would have learned a lot about your chapters.

Class 10th English Contents

  • Class 10th English Reading
  • Class 10th English Writing
  • Class 10th English Grammer
  • Class 10th English Literature Reader
  • Class 10th English Main Course Book
  • Class 10th English Workbook
  • Sample Paper’s

Class 10th Mathematics

Class 10th Science

  • Class 10th Science Short Notes
  • Class 10th Science Long Notes
  • Class 10th Science NCERT Solution’s
  • Class 10th Science Extra Question’s
  • Sample Paper’s

Class 10th Social Studies [Social Science]

Class 10th Hindi

  • Class 10th Hindi Kritika Part-II                                                       Notes | Solutions
  • Class 10th Hindi Kshitiz Part-II                                                       Notes | Solutions
  • Class 10th Hindi Sparsh Part-II                                                      Notes | Solutions
  • Class 10th Hindi Sanchayan Part-II                                                Notes | Solutions
  • Class 10th Hindi Extra QnA
  • Sample Paper’s


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